Neko (猫) is the Japanese word for cat. It can refer to an actual cat or to a character in anime or manga that has catlike features. The word is derived from an earlier, Old Japanese, nekoma (猫魔), an onomatopoeia for the sound a cat makes; which is to say, neither mew nor meow, but 猫魔. A catgirl (nekomimi: 猫耳, literally cat ears), or neko for short, is a female character with catlike traits, such as cat ears, a cat tail or other feline features on an otherwise human body. A Maneki-neko (招き猫), literally meaning "beckoning cat", is a common Japanese figurine (lucky charm, talisman) which is often believed to bring good luck to the owner. We wish you much good luck with Neko Mania. You'll need it. It takes nerves of steel to be a Neko Maniac.

Use your keyboard's arrow keys, or click/tap on arrow buttons to move Neko about on the screen to remove all colored balls of yarn. Compete with other players by completing the most of an infinite number of levels in the least amount of time.

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